The Dog House i Hamilton

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93, Front Street, HM12, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-232-3644
Latitude: 32.2925993, Longitude: -64.7826825
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Kommentar 5

  • Marcy Brown

    Marcy Brown


    Awesome spot for drinks and music. I really enjoyed my martini and the rest of my group enjoyed their drinks as well.

  • Aleksandrs Titarenko

    Aleksandrs Titarenko


    They lie! We went to check the place out since we heard good things about it. Burger wasn’t good, however the fish was fantastic. But here is the problem and why I gave this place 1 star. Every table had a flyer/promotion that said 5$ whiskey, I asked the waitress if that still applies and she said yes, even tho it had promotional date that expired 10 days ago, mind you - every table had the flyer on so its not like they just forgot to take if off!?? Why do you have a promo flyer that does not apply anymore??? Every table!?? Reason Im so frustrated is bcuz when I got my bill the whiskeys were 7$ each and when I asked the waitress she said that 7 is already promo. Since I only had 2 drinks I didn’t argue further but this is false advertisement tactics to get you to order more. For this reason I give this place 1 star and for this reason I would not go back or ever suggest anyone to go here.

  • Marisa Maggs

    Marisa Maggs


    Had a bad experience here and horrible service. The only bad experience we had in Bermuda. Would not recommend this place to anyone.

  • Creyous Carnarvon

    Creyous Carnarvon


    Good sports bar for hanging out with friends. Good service, friendly staff.

  • Stephen Elliot

    Stephen Elliot


    Definitely the most happening place I found on my trip to Bermuda. Cool atmosphere and great dancing on the weekend. Extra points for clever branding too.

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