Juice & Beans Café i Hamilton

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55 Court Street, Hamilton HM12, Bermudy
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-292-6454
Latitude: 32.295611, Longitude: -64.780962
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Kommentar 5

  • Jamal Khan

    Jamal Khan


    Fantastic Place, Mind blowing!

  • Natasha Dowling

    Natasha Dowling


    So so food not consistant

  • winter grey

    winter grey


    New management,so lets see. The food was ok before,so lets see if it gonna be great .

  • Baljit Saini

    Baljit Saini


    Vegan Vegitarian home cooking

  • Lindsey Carmichael

    Lindsey Carmichael


    We loved this place and will definitely be back! Veggie breakfast burritos with tofu, samosas, pastries, oats porridge, parfait, museli, soups, smoothies, blended coffes and teas. There's seating for twelve people, it's open even into the evening, and the staff is super friendly. We mentioned we are from Texas and one of the staff started singing "Deep in the Heart of Texas" as a joke. Minutes later we heard the actual song, twang and all, playing over the restaurant speakers. Everyone there had a good laugh. My husband had the matcha blended green tea with milk, vanilla whey protein, and vanilla cream. I had the squashed mango with butternut squash, mango, banana, kale and beets with an add in of whey protein. We enjoyed them both, as well as the hot white bean soup with escarole, and the buttered bagel we decided to split. They even cut it into squares for us just to be nice. All of that cost us about $35 without tip, which we're learning is pretty affordable on the island. Great vegetarian food and drink that's filling, nutritious, and delicious. We will definitely be back!

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