Cafe Eden i Hamilton

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41, King Street, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-441
Latitude: 32.2950345, Longitude: -64.7786981
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Kommentar 5

  • Shaquille Young

    Shaquille Young


    From delicious Vegan foods, to the great assortments of products here; it is the one place to stop if you're looking for a healthy and delicious bite to eat. Try their vegan "fish" cakes, they're phenomenal! Also, the black bean burger with one of their delicious smoothies! All around, delicious food and great service!

  • Nelson Pacheco

    Nelson Pacheco


    Peacefull and lovely

  • Anna B

    Anna B


    Good selection of hard to find vegan foods and a nice smoothie bar!

  • Vanessa Ciancio

    Vanessa Ciancio


    A must for any vegan visiting Bermuda. Super friendly staff, delicious food.

  • Richard Vallis

    Richard Vallis


    Great tasting vegetaran food and smoothies

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