Sea Breeze Lounge i Paget

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60 South Shore, Elbow Beach, Sea Terrace, Paget PG 04, Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-232-3999
Latitude: 32.2742189, Longitude: -64.7755539
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Kommentar 5

  • Gina Ma

    Gina Ma


    Good location and ambience, but not much more aside from the fact it's near the beach. Although the fish in the sushi was fresh, the sushi itself was below average--very chewy seaweed holding it together, too much rice, and the rice didn't taste much like sushi rice. The papas bravas also came out cold/room temperature instead of warm, which is what it should've been. That dish, which was my favorite in Spain, ended up being a huge disappointment.

  • Aman Darred

    Aman Darred


    Had a great time at Sea Breeze last night. Dinner was great, view was even better.

  • Vincenzo Della Valle

    Vincenzo Della Valle


    Absolutely amazing experience you must to go.

  • PhillipOG



    Great food and staff, they did however charge for a bottle of water which we didn't ask for, and gave us tap water the second time.

  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson


    Great lil restaurant specializing in tapas and sushi, built right about Elbow Beach. Amazing view, great service and decent prices. They do a nice happy hour on Friday nights during the summer.

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