Fantasea Diving & Watersports i Sandys Parish

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Dockyard Watersports Centre, North Arm, Sandys, Bermuda, MA 01, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-1300
Latitude: 32.3265631, Longitude: -64.832515
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Kommentar 5

  • Kimberly Ward

    Kimberly Ward


    Went to devils isle snorkeling tour in Bermuda. The tour was very interesting and educational about Bermuda. The water was great.

  • Nick



    We booked the kayaking tour through Norwegian. Excellent service from start to finish! The tour boat crew was full of spirit and informative. Complimentary waters. The kayaking itself was fun and relaxing. Again both tour guides were informative and passionate. I’d recommend bringing water and sun screen, but leave your phones on the boat.

  • David Givens

    David Givens


    My wife and I booked 2 separate excursions with this group: 1. Railway Biking Tour: Nice smooth ride, very informative and really cool scenery. 2. Devils Isles Snorkeling: Again very informative, extremely beautiful scenery. Jess, Jan (I think) and Lawson were awesome and really cool to be around, they felt more like friends than workers!

  • Suzanne Estes

    Suzanne Estes


    We arrived in Bermuda aboard the Norwegian Gem on Sunday April 21, 2019. We booked on the highly recommended “Rising Son” catamaran for a sailing/snorkeling excursion. This experience did not disappoint! The staff greeted us right off the Gem, very welcoming, and made our embarkation onto the Son easy and punctual. The Skipper and crew were very entertaining, providing a lot of laughs and some great stories and information about Bermuda and the surrounding waters. (Yes, the water IS all around the Island!) We would highly recommend this excursion to any will not be disappointed!

  • Carolyn Campbell-Sheen

    Carolyn Campbell-Sheen


    We went whale watching today with Fantasea. It was an amazing experience. Jake and Lawson were wonderful guides. They were well informed and were very friendly with everyone. They took care of us as well as the whales, making sure that we didn't get too close. It was an experience that everyone should have!

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