National Museum of Bermuda i Sandys Parish

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Maritime Lane, MA 01, Sandys Parish, BM Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-234-1418
Latitude: 32.3290794, Longitude: -64.8324335
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Kommentar 5

  • Matthew DiLuzio

    Matthew DiLuzio


    There is so much to do and explore here. You will be here hours. Make sure the Commissioner's House is open. There is a sign in the ticket office that will tell you. Beautiful grounds. A very good example of Bermuda's rich maritime history.

  • Stefanie Charles

    Stefanie Charles


    This museum has some fascinating displays. The items pulled up from old shipwrecks show you so much about how people lived, and there is plenty of info available to describe the artifacts. We visited in October, and the weather was perfect for wandering around the grounds and exploring the old fortress. The walk around the outdoor spaces was refreshing after spending so much time on a cruise ship. And the views from the top of the fortress were phenomenal!

  • Emma Snell

    Emma Snell


    Fascinating history and a lovely place to visit. Sitting outside on the upper level at the Commissioner's House was very peaceful, but I understand it's very different when there is a cruise ship docked.

  • Anna B

    Anna B


    If you're going to pay for one touristy thing, make it this museum. One adult ticket is $15 at time of writting. We spent several hours exploring the grounds and the well-curated exhibits throughout the fort. Beautiful 360° views from atop the commissioner's house. There is even a natural cave on the property. Goats roam free to keep the grass short, make sure to close all gates and watch for poop.

  • Mauricio Rousselon

    Mauricio Rousselon


    Es un museo de alta gama, provisto de las mejores facilidades para el visitante, con una vista inmejorable a todos los azules del mar y cielo en Bermuda. Además, al lado hay una excelente playa para el snorkeling, con unas pocas aguamalas en Agosto, pero de aguas clarísimas!

Desværre, der er ingen steder i Museum Bermuda

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