Lindo's Family Foods Warwick i Parroquia de Warwick

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Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-1344
Latitude: 32.2750552, Longitude: -64.7944558
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Kommentar 5

  • Brant Wilson

    Brant Wilson


    Great place to shop great staff and great prices

  • Cornel Van Rooyen

    Cornel Van Rooyen


    Somewhat more expensive than the other stores. Could be better quality, i thinks

  • Rebecca Lister

    Rebecca Lister


    Love shopping here and have done for nearly 5 years! Super friendly staff especially Alan on the meat counter and Andrea who ensures my bags are packed properly and my daughter and I are safely in the car - she has looked after me for the 5 years I've shopped there!

  • Omz Don

    Omz Don


    1 of 2 grocery stores by the same name... Family owned... Great selection and quality products.. Sanitary... Friendly and helpful staff... Sufficient parking

  • Gaijin



    Lindos Family Foods, Warwick, is perhaps the best quality supermarket serving the Western end of the Island. Excellent butchery and fresh fish. Extensive choice of beer, wines and spirits. If you need it, you will probably find it here. (Though they don't carry juniper berries for my gin and tonic. But neither do any of the other supermarket chains I have tried on the Island 😕) Seniors' discounts all day Tuesdays - present your Bermudian Government Special Person's card.

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