Bone Fish Bar & Grill i Sandys Parish

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6 Dockyard Terrace Royal Navy Dockyard, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-234-5151
Latitude: 32.3268829, Longitude: -64.8332982
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Kommentar 5

  • Natalie Bernard

    Natalie Bernard


    Great food and large servings. Great choice of drinks, friendly staff, great location for sightseeing.

  • Robert Getkate

    Robert Getkate


    Menu is diverse with both 'land and sea' items so there should be an item to satisfy most tastes. Food was decent, I had the fish tacos with marinated snapper. Reasonably priced in the context of Bermuda's dining scene and has a good location at the dockyard looking out to the wharf and boats. Decent beer and wine list as well where you can opt for a massive 50 oz beer they call the 'Big Boner'.

  • David Gorshkov

    David Gorshkov


    Sorry guys, only benefit was that you were open! Overpriced bar food and staff with attitude. Handy for the cruise berth!

  • Krystal Dudley

    Krystal Dudley


    Lamb chops amazing!!! Music and vibe perfection!! Lets not forget drinks and hospitality

  • abhinav uniyal

    abhinav uniyal


    Located closest to the dock, nice place with plenty of options. Ordered chicken, ceasar salad and Alfredo pasta - all of them were made nicely. Service gets slow when busy but a lively place. They serve alcohol as well and juices. View of the harbor is spectacular from the harbor side seating arrangement.

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