Rosedon Hotel i Pembroke

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61 Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke HM08, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-1640
Latitude: 32.291854, Longitude: -64.791777
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Kommentar 5

  • Sandy Miller

    Sandy Miller


    Rosedon is wonderful. Highly recommended. Great thoughtful service.

  • Happy Harry

    Happy Harry


    Great place. Make sure to take in high tea and socialize with the other guests.

  • Mark Cockroft

    Mark Cockroft


    Not many good hotels in Bermuda, but Roseden is one. Great location next to Bacardi building. Plenty of secluded rooms and a nice quiet pool. Standard of the rooms perfectly ok, although the usual Bermuda chintz is still there a bit. Nice friendly buzz. WiFi works well enough.

  • Kerry Brislane

    Kerry Brislane


    We recently went to Huckleberry for an anniversary dinner and were overwhelmed at the quality and service! The food was a delight - unusual flavour combinations, super fresh and beautifully presented. The waiter Shaker was attentive (without being invasive) and very sincere in his cheerfulness. This place may not have a big reputation (yet) but the food was far superior to many local high-end restaurants. Thank you Chef Jomel for a gastronomic experience!

  • J T.

    J T.


    Excellent hotel, Excellent service. Now when you go to Bermuda, expect to pay a lot for everything. No exception here however the service and accommodations are SUPERB. All the staff are friendly and helpful; we even bonded with a couple of them over our long stay. New opened restaurant makes really good food too! Had one of each meal type and each was great. Really great you can order the meals ANYWHERE on the property to enjoy. Afternoon teatime is nice too. Would return again (without kids; not a lot of stuff for kids here); best for newly weds or older couples. Rooms were very quite ;)

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