Hamilton Princess & Beach Club i Pembroke Parish

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76, Pitts Bay Road, HM08, Pembroke Parish, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-3000
Hjemmeside: www.thehamiltonprincess.com
Latitude: 32.2907567, Longitude: -64.7924489
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Kommentar 5

  • Shelley Griffith

    Shelley Griffith


    Our family had breakfast in the hotel restaurant the day after carnival. Most of us opted for the buffet. One thing that was nice is they had a waffle station made to order. The scrambled eggs, not so great. If I had of known I would have had my eggs made to order which was an option. For $33 per person, there could be more variety. Next time, I would probably do the a la carte menu instead. Our waiter, Victor was very friendly and efficient.

  • Lee Goodwyn

    Lee Goodwyn


    Went to Bermuda and stayed here at Christmas time last year found it lovely weather perfect because it wasn't too hot or too cool. The hotel itself is very service oriented and beautifully landscaped. It's a bit pricey but not overly so for what you're getting. I would recommend it and I would go back again. They have a private beach some distance from the hotel itself but it's quite lovely with a crescent of pinkish sand and a Cove where aquamarine waves gently lap the the shoreline. If you're going to relax or shop either one works in this particular location. I think it's great.

  • Vanessa Etherington

    Vanessa Etherington


    Great hotel. Excellent friendly service. Nice refurbished room. Bathroom was small but clean and we'll appointed. Hotel shops were nicely stocked. Ate at all 3 restaurants on the property and were not disappointed. Will definitely be back.

  • Nicole Follins

    Nicole Follins


    Gorgeous luxury resort with beautiful art! Wonderful service and friendly staff that goes above and beyond to accommodate your stay. I felt like I had not a worry in the world staying here. Many restaurants on site! The room was modern, spacious, and overall magnificent with views of the marina. I would definitely recommend for your stay in Bermuda!

  • Claudia Chery

    Claudia Chery


    Stayed here for 5 days for our babymoon during December off-season. Perfect location for this wonderful, amenity-filled hotel. A short walk to shops, eateries, and bus stops - no car or bike rental needed. Staff is super friendly, polite, and accommodating. Be sure to ask concierge for local bus schedule and jitney schedule to get access to hotel's private beach. Make a reservation at Marcus, celebrity chef restaurant on-site.

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