Jamaican Grill i Hamilton

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Court Street, Hamilton, BM Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-296-6577
Latitude: 32.2967616, Longitude: -64.7812754
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Kommentar 5

  • wayne omardeen

    wayne omardeen


    You have to try the jerk chicken and oxtail

  • a t

    a t


    Best jerk chicken I have ever had. Rice and peas with oxtail sauce were out of this world as well. The owner is the nicest woman on the planet and had food better than everything I ate on the resorts! This will be my first stop back when I come to Bermuda again.

  • Nitin Madhvani

    Nitin Madhvani


    Jerk chicken is on point. Probably best value on the whole island. Watch out for the hot sauce - it’s hotter than you think! Other dishes rotate, so keep an eye out for curried chicken, curried goat, rack of lamb, oxtail or ackee and saltfish.

  • raymond spence

    raymond spence


    Good service. Had what I liked

  • Daniel Lee

    Daniel Lee


    Food was great! Had a large jerk chicken plate with rice & beans and a side of vegetables. Priced at $17 for the plate, you might think it's expensive, but it's worth every penny. Service is great, too. Very friendly staff to made my first vacation meal a pleasant one. Their beef patties are great - if you're a fan of beef patties, you should try one ($4). It's a bit hot inside, try to sit next to the window if you can - you'll most likely catch a nice breeze.

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