Divots Bar & Grill i Warwick

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25 Belmont Hills Drive, Middle Road, Warwick WK06, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-434-8687
Hjemmeside: www.divots.bm
Latitude: 32.2758845, Longitude: -64.7992572
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin Darrell

    Kevin Darrell


    Good service ....great food....comfy setting

  • Tastyb



    Very nice staff and the food was good and reasonable prices.

  • BDA Smith

    BDA Smith


    I've been here twice in the last 7 days, one for Valentine's day and one for Sunday lunch. The food is incredibly tasty and my experience's as a whole were great. The atmosphere is nice and relaxed and the view in the day time is awesome with the natural light. I really enjoyed the Wahoo pockets meal with the bread pudding for dessert. I'll continue to support this establishment as long as they continue to give good service and deliver generously sized portions.

  • Aruna Dismont

    Aruna Dismont


    Good atmosphere. Clean decor, simple but good variety menu. Tasty. Great staff and service

  • Frederico DeSouza

    Frederico DeSouza


    Great place, friendly staff and good food. Very enjoyable for lunch or dinner. Went with the family, and all were quite pleased with their meals. Definitely recommended.

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