The Swizzle Inn Pub & Restaurant i Warwick Parish

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87, South Road, WK10, Warwick Parish, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-7459
Latitude: 32.2670271, Longitude: -64.7929225
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Kommentar 5

  • Denis Desrosiers

    Denis Desrosiers


    We had a great time at the Swizzle Inn South. It was the most fun evening we had in Bermuda and by Bermuda standards - it was quite affordable. The service was friendly and quick. The food was surprisingly good. The rum swizzles were tasty and arrived quickly. On the evening we went, there was live entertainment in the form of a guy with a guitar (I think his name was Bil Krauss). He was talented and engaging. If you are in Bermuda you should go to the Swizzle Inn South.

  • Corianne Egan

    Corianne Egan


    This isn't the original, but the authenticity of the experience isn't lost here. The food is fantastic, and those ever-famous Rum Swizzles that they are known for will knock you off of your feet. We had the the conch fritters and a burger - and both were pretty great!

  • Anna Moore

    Anna Moore


    you have to try their signature drink the rum swizzle. On the second night of our stay in Betmuda we went to this restaurant. The food was delicious. On the following day we went on a 4 hour tour of the island and stopped for lunch at the original Swizzle inn on the other side of the island and once again the food was excellent and we once again had their signature drink the rum swizzle. I am looking forward to going back soon !

  • Sara Simon

    Sara Simon


    Loved the vibe here. Food is good and the portions are pretty big. All waitstaff we dealt with were lovely. A lot of them with a sense of humour and frequent check-ins. Since we visited this location once and the other location twice, it was good to see consistency. Getting a pitcher of swizzle is a must. They're not kidding when their slogan is "swizzle in, stagger out", so keep that in mind when finding your way back to where you're staying.

  • Casey White

    Casey White


    Had the BBQ chicken pizza and honey garlic chicken wings. Wings were saucy and the pizza was pretty good. The patio could use a refresh as the tables and chairs were weather worn from years of being outside. Service was good but the beer tasted a bit flat/watery. I also had a dark n stormy which was delicious. Right by the main road so if you're on the patio cars are going by. You can see the water in the distance, but it's not exactly a beautiful ocean view.

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