Cafe Lido i Paget Parish

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60 South Shore Road, PG 04, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-9884
Latitude: 32.2744865, Longitude: -64.775235
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Kommentar 5

  • Emily Steele

    Emily Steele


    Older crowd. Stuffy. Service was spotty - overly accommodating at first and then more nonexistent as the dinner went on, especially when we wanted our check. We were sat at the far end of the restaurant where all we heard was the wedding next door (horrible and loud music but entertaining to watch bizarre crowd in and out.) The food was edible but not flavorful. The local snapper special at $40 should’ve been awesome but wasn’t. The pappardelle with beef was more like beef stroganoff. For appetizers we split the warm asparagus/frisée salad (asparagus should’ve been blanched but was grossly over-boiled) and the pasta with peas (was OK). Both apps could have used fresh pepper but service was nowhere to be found when we realized it wasn’t going to be offered to us (offered to other tables.) This place had 4.5 Stars so was very disappointed in our experience. We should’ve just gone tot he restaurant right as you walk in - at least there’s a fun vibe in there!! Wouldn’t recommend unless you enjoy stuffy, so-called “upscale” and basic dining.

  • Robin Millett

    Robin Millett


    Tasty (pricier) food in a gorgeous setting - right above Elbow Beach! Super fun on Friday nights during the summer when The Big Chill plays at Lido... but be sure to make reservations in advance.

  • Tommy Harrell

    Tommy Harrell


    Wonderful group of people from Former Little Venice on Front Street. Great food, great service, and window seats with a view of the ocean. Just Terrific!

  • Aaron Chapman

    Aaron Chapman


    The job had a Christmas party there tonight and the food was the best I had in a long time . So I give five stars

  • Valerie Statham

    Valerie Statham


    Fantastic food! Small tapas if you're not so hungry. Everything was delicious! Best Swizzles on the island. And the Pavlova for dessert is to die for!

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