Jasmine Lounge i Southampton Parish

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101, South Rd, Southampton SN02,, Bermudy
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-238-8000
Hjemmeside: www.fairmont.com
Latitude: 32.2534428, Longitude: -64.8267479
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson


    Nice hotel lobby & bar. Try the flat-bread

  • Nick Gordon

    Nick Gordon


    nice nightlife in Bermuda.. music on point and food was finger licking but don't do it..

  • Glenn Jones

    Glenn Jones


    On a rare, chilly, gloomy day in Bermuda Jasmine was the perfect cozy, comfort food venue. It recently had an interior refresh which looks good. We got a couch and table right next to the fireplace and ordered the Jasmine Signature Pizza. It was outstanding! Best pizza I’ve had in Bermuda — ever. Order it.

  • A Kh

    A Kh


    Ehh service is slow. For the prices at this place things should be a little faster. Food ok

  • Lucas Adkins

    Lucas Adkins


    At first i wasn't a fan, but after being at the Fairmont for a week with my Wife and 5yr. old, this was our preferred diver/lunch spot. It's nice that it's big, we were able to isolate our crazed child from the more serious guests. The choices seemed the most varied here, but as usual the beer choices were dismal. It's faster than the other restaurants because it's less formal. A quick tip: if your stay includes a "continental" breakfast, you're MUCH better off at 'Windows.' Windows has a lot more choices, even for the continental breakfast, Jasmine is more for the "in a rush" breakfast. Lastly, I must say everyone at the hotel has gone above and beyond our expectations with their kindness and attitude, we genuinely feel welcome, thank you.

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