Café Cairo i Hamilton

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24, Front Street, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-5155
Latitude: 32.2926312, Longitude: -64.7826628
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Kommentar 4

  • Edward Laureano

    Edward Laureano


  • Herve Same

    Herve Same


  • Tyler Hill

    Tyler Hill


    One of the best stops on front street from drinks and the nightlife.

  • Lindsey Carmichael

    Lindsey Carmichael


    The moment you walk in, you know this place is classy, with beautiful Egyptian and Moroccan decor, dark wood, and lanterns. The bar staff were friendly and really knew what they were doing. The martinis that Dwight made were smooth and delicious. I was blown away by the drink that Dell invented for me on the spot--you HAVE to try it--the Dry Dark & Stormy. I had two and they were beyond delicious. We didn't order food but I liked the look of their menu which had hummus and other Mediterranean fare, including more than a few vegetarian options. Dancing started up at 11pm, and it was fabulous. Good music, enough room to move, and the patio was right nearby so you can get some air and cool down. We would've been happy with any normal dance club experience, but this place was fantastic. We heard about it from some locals and I am definitely passing along the recommendation.

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