Harbourfront Restaurant i Pembroke

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40 Crow Lane at the BUEI, Pembroke HM 11, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-4207
Hjemmeside: www.harbourfront.bm
Latitude: 32.2935251, Longitude: -64.7732146
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Kommentar 5

  • Siur De Metz

    Siur De Metz


    Good food great service.

  • Kassandra T

    Kassandra T


    The sign outside the restaurant entrance advertised a sushi happy hour that apparently they do not do anymore. A snooty host informed us that they were "quite packed" when the restaurant was clearly empty aside from one other tourist couple. Bad attitude and false advertising compelled us to leave immediately.

  • Elliot Bambury

    Elliot Bambury


    Great sushi and service in a stylish setting with great views of the harbour, a must to visit

  • D Stern

    D Stern


    The view at sunset alone is 5 stars. I made a last minute reservation and the outside was already booked (Saturday night) but when I got there they had found a table us outside! It was a great surprise. The rum swizzle was delicious. I tried the fish soup because it featured local fish but would not order it again. Next time I would probably stick to the reccomended items section of the menu. Worth saving up for this place to see the view!

  • Ariel Bales-Kogan

    Ariel Bales-Kogan


    Definitely on the upscale side. You won't want to show up here in your beach clothes. We walked through Hamilton and stopped in just for some drinks. The bartender was very nice and chatty. Had great Dark n' Stormy's, and the rest of the waitstaff was friendly.

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