Docksider i Hamilton

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

25, Front Street, HM11, Hamilton, BM Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-296-3333
Latitude: 32.2929406, Longitude: -64.780051
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Kommentar 5

  • Noelle Richards

    Noelle Richards


    Music too loud. It's always too loud. No one was even dancing. Most were chatting at the bar, having a smoke on the porch or playing games. The music was great thanks to the DJ but the owner chooses the volume.

  • Treadwell Butterfield

    Treadwell Butterfield


    Good service and great PEOPLE! #GVO

  • Cornel Van Rooyen

    Cornel Van Rooyen


    Good food at a very reasonable price. Nice atmosphere and always busy when I pop in

  • Tiaaz Sharpe

    Tiaaz Sharpe


    One of the best establishments on the island. A place you can go and let your hair down, or turn up to the fullest. Always a good time with the staff there. A plus.

  • Haley Raynor

    Haley Raynor


    Cool place. Great people Good food. A nice place to go if your looking for a quick bite or meet up for a few drinks.

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