Coco Reef Bermuda Hotel i Paget

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3 Stonington Circle, Paget PG04, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-5416
Latitude: 32.275546, Longitude: -64.773887
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Kommentar 5

  • Usman Khalid

    Usman Khalid


    This resort is situated on the best beach in Bermuda. A very relaxing stay with good food, friendly staff, walking distance to a bus stop, and a grocery store. Even better is it is within running distance to the railway trail.

  • Vishwank Shah

    Vishwank Shah


    The great thing about the Paraquet was it's location - it's one of the only restaurants on this stretch of road near Elbow Beach - and it's variety of food options for reasonable prices. The Paraquet had a ton of fresh and flavorful options including vegetarian. Their staff members are friendly. If you are looking for some good food option with reasonable prices, this is the place to be.

  • Diana Briscoe

    Diana Briscoe


    This place is very eloquent. Staff goes out of their way to help anyway they can. Best beach I have ever been to. Near perfect in every way

  • Denis Desrosiers

    Denis Desrosiers


    For us, this resort was the perfect balance. The location is fantastic - the beach and the view are both stunning and it's a quick cab ride into Hamilton. It is also quite close to the bus route (they'll give you a lift on a golf cart if you prefer) and the rail trail. The rooms were clean and nice and the bed was very comfortable. Some might consider the furniture in the rooms dated, but that was not a problem for us. The staff was very friendly - though to be honest, I think that's just Bermuda. The service is good, but not super fast - if you are an impatient vacationer I would recommend somewhere else (maybe a different country). The food and drinks from the restaurant and bar were good.

  • Tracy Harris

    Tracy Harris


    I loved being on the beach. The view from my room was absolutely amazing. The housekeepers do an amazing job and are very efficient. The grounds are very well maintained. The furniture is from the "Golden Girl" era, but overall I had a wonderful wonderful time and would stay again. Oh and the drinks are DELICIOUS. They also have a service fee for everything, so bring a little extra cash.

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