Elbow Beach Resort Bermuda i Paget

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60, South Shore Road, PG04, Paget, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-3535
Hjemmeside: www.elbowbeachbermuda.com
Latitude: 32.275332, Longitude: -64.7768706
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Kommentar 5

  • Bob Jones

    Bob Jones


    These robbers charge non hotel guests $100 for deck chairs on the beach. Complete corruption and un regulated. When asked for 1 deck chair “sorry they only come in twos” They say the beach is private but all beaches are for public use. We also witnessed that they allowed a third party restaurant to trade on there so called private beach. Bermuda government need to step in to regulate these beaches more and stop these hotels taking the piss out of tourists.

  • adrian thomas

    adrian thomas


    Beautiful resort set on bermudas south shore.pristine private beach.great pool area and facilities.the whole beautiful complex is set on quite a steep coastal slope.so not best for infirm or less able people

  • Orlando G Torres

    Orlando G Torres


    Great place, wish i could have to stay longer. Rooms are spacious and i was right across from the beach.

  • Joan Morgan

    Joan Morgan


    Beautiful views and great people make Elbow Beach Resort a great place to visit. The moderate climate and warm ocean waters of Bermuda add to the experience. I don't want to leave

  • Rowan Day

    Rowan Day


    Beautiful beach-side resort in one of the best parts of Bermuda. Suites have modern finishes and are extremely comfortable and romantic. The beach front is very clean and gets great weather. The bar is home to one of Bermuda's only live music nights - pop/rock covers and the atmosphere and friendly and fun. Service is great on every level. It's not cheap but nowhere is in Bermuda

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