TABS - The Authentic Bermuda Shorts i Hamilton

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12 Reid Street, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-704-8227
Latitude: 32.2927938, Longitude: -64.7857087
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin Dallas

    Kevin Dallas


    Bermudaful shorts from Bermudaful people. This store sells authentic high quality Bermuda shorts in bold colours under their own label. Also great shirts and swimwear. A unique Bermuda retail experience

  • Jonas Büge

    Jonas Büge


    Nice shirts and shorts in all colors. Unfortunately all shorts are made in China. Frustrating.

  • Joseph Danyluk

    Joseph Danyluk


    Shopping at TABS was a fantastic experience. Rebecca and Charley were so friendly and helpful. They had great energy and knew exactly what would work for us. We are so glad that we stumbled upon this gem in Hamilton. We will definitely come back and highly recommend shopping at this welcoming and top-notch establishment.

  • Alexandra Mosher

    Alexandra Mosher


    It's always so hard to find a great gift for a guy! At TABS you can find the classic Bermuda Shorts reinvented with a modern style and their bright colors are all named after iconic Bermuda favourites. I'm so glad they've opened their own boutique! Don't miss this shop when you visit Bermuda!!

  • Isabelle Ramsay-Brackstone

    Isabelle Ramsay-Brackstone


    This is the real deal! My husband raves about his new shorts. A "must" visit in Bermuda.

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