Speciality Cinema i Hamilton

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28, Queen Street, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-292-2135
Latitude: 32.2938758, Longitude: -64.7861435
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Kommentar 5

  • Treadwell Butterfield

    Treadwell Butterfield


    Good food great service mixed in with a movie. Can't beat that! #GVO

  • Jenny Medeiros

    Jenny Medeiros


    Small cinema with food, free WiFi and decently comfortable seats - reclinable chairs and armrests you can lift up. If you're used to big cinemas with a huge screen, then this theatre won't be to your liking. Audio was good and they have a drink bar with tea, coffee and smoothies. Bathroom was mostly clean but could use maintenance.

  • William Furbert

    William Furbert


    Good menu of hot foods you can taje into the theatre

  • BossLady Mikz

    BossLady Mikz


    I'm local... it's the most updated theatre on the island. They have a restaurant there, so food and snacks are available.

  • Mischa Fubler

    Mischa Fubler


    Tuesday tickets are 1/2 price. The online ticket purchasing site is a pain to setup, but relatively easy after that. There was a giant roach in the theater one of the three times I've been recently...but otherwise it's a decent theater. I like that there are 2 screens for a little extra choice in what you watch.

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