Somerset Bridge Watersports BM

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Middle Road, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-234-0914
Latitude: 32.2794198, Longitude: -64.8764367
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Kommentar 5

  • Herman Dill

    Herman Dill


    Great Service for fuel n quick info

  • Alan Dzidek

    Alan Dzidek


    I called for three days straight hoping to go on the water with my wife. The first two days I was asked to call back in the afternoon. On the third day I was told they packed away the boats that morning and the season is closed. The person had a smug tone in their voice and was not the least bit apologetic. The ocean was filled with other boats as the waters were calm and the weather a nice 26 degrees celcius. I called H2O water sports and received a last minute reservation. The boat was clean and ran beatifully. Gladwin (the owner) has been in operation 23 years and provided amazing service. In short. If you value customer service, steer clear.

  • Gulsheen Sethi

    Gulsheen Sethi


    Would definitely recommend this place over the jet ski rentals by the dockyards. My husband and kids had a great time and couldn't stop talking about the whole experience. In fact it was the best thing they did in our entire trip to Bermuda.

  • Janice Ciancio

    Janice Ciancio


    My husband, son and I did the jet ski early morning tour. It was awesome! We could not ask for a better tour guide. I would highly recommend them as they paid for the taxi from the dockyard to their location. If we go back to Bermuda we will go there for another tour of the island.

  • Martha Williams

    Martha Williams


    Just looked through our Bermuda pictures and had to finally write about our morning ride with Harry in August. My husband and I were the only ones in the early morning 8:15 tour. Loved speeding along the warm ocean water, cutting across my husband's wake getting some air. Harry was very informative and we appreciated the photo swimming with the fish! Incredible tour! Would definitely recommend to others and another time I would book 2 visits while in port.

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