Perot Post Office i Hamilton

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11, Queen Street, HM 11, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-292-9052
Latitude: 32.292706, Longitude: -64.7862992
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Kommentar 5

  • paul drury

    paul drury


  • Gaijin



    Quaint little post office, worth visiting to buy some stamps for your postcards home, and step back a couple of hundred years in time. Kudos to BPO for maintaining this working, historic site so well. Courteous and helpful front counter service (but don't tell the Bermuda Industrial Union or their members will be admonished for breach of Industrial Policy).

  • Carlos Sinde

    Carlos Sinde


    Friendly/helpful staff ... made purchasing stamps hassle free. The interior of Post Office is a bit nostalgic ...

  • David Kendell

    David Kendell


    Mail your postcards from this authentic and very old working post office and feel like you stepped back in time. Friendly Bermudian staff are happy to help.

  • Donna Mae Arorash

    Donna Mae Arorash


    A quaint little post office. Great service. Jennifer and Ivy will gladly assist you with all of your postal needs

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