People's Pharmacy i Hamilton

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🕗 Åbningstider

62, Victoria Street, HM12, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-292-7527
Latitude: 32.2950529, Longitude: -64.7802178
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Kommentar 5

  • prashant bansal

    prashant bansal


    Lot of stuff to choose from

  • Adam Davis

    Adam Davis


    People's has it all. Let's start with free parking, making it easy to stop and shop on the way out of town. Inside, you're sure to find whatever you're looking for. Pharmaceuticals, a wide range of health and wellness products, unique gifts, as well as children's toys and everything you could need for babies and toddlers. But most of all, great service. I've never had a bad experience.

  • Gregory Kent smith

    Gregory Kent smith


    People's Pharmacy has just about all you need and easy parking. Staff are very helpful and pleasant.

  • Carbo Kuo

    Carbo Kuo


    No price label. You don't know how much they cost until you pay.

  • Demetria Packwood

    Demetria Packwood


    They have a lot of natural hair products but they are expensive. Everything else is decently priced though.

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