Lotus Bermuda i Hamilton

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46 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM13, Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-296-5900
Hjemmeside: www.lotusbermuda.com
Latitude: 32.295128, Longitude: -64.7818212
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Kommentar 3

  • Maya McIntosh

    Maya McIntosh


    Best mind body spirit experience on the island. We also used for home birth, and are beyond pleased. 5 stars

  • Charlene Hall

    Charlene Hall


    Lotus has great facilities With reformers, Pilates chairs and Cadillacs, great studio for yoga and mat classes and Ariel silks. Sophia is the most experienced and enthusiastic Pilates instructor I have ever learned from. Absolutely the best!

  • Nia Ming

    Nia Ming


    Lotus-Conscious Home birth Bermuda- I took my prenatal class and signed a contract for a midwife. I would not recommend attending this prenatal class, the information is delivered with a lot of the presenter’s bias, and it is overpriced (the most expensive on the island). In terms of the midwife services, there isn’t a rating low enough. The original midwife I met was switched near the end of my pregnancy and I did not meet any replacement until I was already 8 months. One midwife whom I had never previously met showed up at my birth. I found her abrupt and off putting. The other midwife who was supposedly attending me lacked professional competence. The owner, Sophia Cannonier, created a story claiming that department of health was unfairly targeting her due to personally disliking her. She omitted real concerns that the midwife had not been actively working deliveries for almost 10 years. This midwife was misogynistic, insensitive and condescending. The midwife stated while I was in labor that she was ignoring me. I also felt that the owner did not respect client confidentiality sharing information about my delivery with other clients. Lastly, the prenatal yoga included too much inappropriate talk, often comparing having a baby to having a bowel movement! And included a lot of non yoga exercises.

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