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Church Street, Hamilton, BM Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1-441
Latitude: 32.2945337, Longitude: -64.7848317
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Kommentar 5

  • Noelle Richards

    Noelle Richards


    Bermuda bus drivers are some of the rudest bus drivers that I've ever encountered. That includes the U.S., Europe and the U.K. They act like tyrants of their own tiny, smelly, hot fiefdoms. Don't dare ask a question or you're almost guaranteed to get barked at.

  • Lawrence Liang

    Lawrence Liang


    It get you there

  • Roshan Dsouza

    Roshan Dsouza


    Bus pickup and delivery on time and it's crowded,the other best option taxi

  • Daniel Lee

    Daniel Lee


    Signs for buses are clearly marked. Bus drivers and staff at the kiosk are very friendly and supportive to tourists like me. My only complaint is that credit and debit cards are not excepted at the ticket booth, even though multiple signs are posted noting that debit/credit cards are accepted.

  • R Coulter

    R Coulter


    It was okay. You will need a bus map to know what bus to take. The buses are usually crowded but get you everywhere on time.

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