Hamilton Central Bus Terminal i Hamilton

Åben kort
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Washington Street, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-292-3851
Hjemmeside: www.gov.bm
Latitude: 32.2944263, Longitude: -64.7848075
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Kommentar 3

  • Alex Tu

    Alex Tu


    Going from the Cruise Terminal to the city was easy, but the main problem was getting back. A lot of the number 7 DID NOT go back to the cruise terminal. We were stuck at a stop near Horse Shoe beach and waited over 1 hr+ and had 4-5 Number 7 buses that told us they did not go back to the cruise terminal. Almost like they wanted you to take the taxi...(taxis were waiting at our location???) The bus did eventually come, but it was crowded and one of the most uncomfortable rides back.

  • Yinghong Yang

    Yinghong Yang


    Bad service, the lady who sells tickets is unfriendly and make people feel bad

  • Gaijin



    Busy little bus station. Bermuda’s pink and blue buses are owned and operated by the Department of Public Transportation. Timetables, tokens, travel passes and advice available from the kiosk at the Central Bus Terminal on Washington​ Street, adjacent City Hall. Tokens are available elsewhere on the island such as the ferry terminals, convenience stores, post offices and some hotels. Determine which route you require (there are 11 bus routes on the Island) and wait at the appropriate platform which is clearly marked. Useful tips for tourists: 1. Bus stops across the Island, on all routes, are identified by pink and blue poles. Poles that are pink indicate service inbound to the City of Hamilton. Poles that are blue indicate service outbound from the City of Hamilton. 2. There is a dress code on buses. If you are wearing bathing attire you will not be allowed on board. This may upset visitors who see Bermuda solely as a Holiday Isle, but it is also our home. Women in swimwear and bare chested men are not welcome on board our public transportation - as I'm sure is the case in your home town

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