Grotto Bay Beach Resort & Spa i Hamilton Parish

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11 Blue Hole Hill Hamilton, Hamilton Parish CR04, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-293-8333
Latitude: 32.352586, Longitude: -64.712174
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Kommentar 5

  • John Jerger

    John Jerger


    Beautiful views and a very relaxing atmosphere. We have a tasty lunch at the cafe/bar down by the pool and beach. You can swim in Cathedral Cavern, a wet cave on the resort property or treat yourself to a full spa experience including massages in another cavern. A truly unique experience.

  • Leila Simmons

    Leila Simmons


    This place has an excellent location! 5 minutes cab ride from/to the airport. The hotel atmosphere, cleanliness, food & service is recommendable! This property is excellent for travelers who wants to enjoy having the pool & the beach without walking outside of the property to get to the beach.

  • Anita Tobakos

    Anita Tobakos



  • Ola A

    Ola A


    Visited Bermuda in January which is their winter and temperatures were in the 50s, 60s and the island was not crowded and neither was the resort, so that was good because I couldn't imagine what it'd be like in the summer at peak tourist season. The room we stayed in was ok, but the bathroom reeked of pee - I don't think they can get that smell out, it's just part of the place now, gross. We decided to purchase the all inclusive package after we arrived to avoid going into town for meals every single day. By the end of our stay, I was tired of seeing the same menu. Our meals in town were really good though. I don't think I'd wanna stay here in the summer, but we had a nice experience.

  • Sarah Gaudiosi

    Sarah Gaudiosi


    Great vacation at Grotto Bay. The view is gorgeous, close to the airport. The conceirge will help with absolutely anything you need to plan. The cycle shop will drop a bike off right here and you can explore the island easily from this location — Or the bus stop is right across the street. The food and service were so so good. I would definitely recommend the all inclusive, just with a few drinks and eating three meals a day it will be worth it. Try to be there for both buffet nights - Monday and Thursday. Also includes kayaks, snorkeling that is all right there. Rooms have great views and very clean with good housekeeping daily. Good for adults only or families. The best part was definitely the couples massage in the cave - amazing!!

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