Granaway i Warwick Long Bay

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One Longford Road, P.O. Box WK 533, Warwick Long Bay, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-3747
Latitude: 32.2744807, Longitude: -64.8051149
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Kommentar 5

  • Lindsay Heister

    Lindsay Heister


    We had a wonderful experience at the Granaway with Mike, Carol, and Francisco. The house is beautiful, so well preserved, and located right on the water with amazing views. Our hosts were full of helpful information and we're even kind enough to help us with transportation a couple of times. The property has a quaint outdoor space for relaxing in the grass or swimming in the pool. Breakfast each morning was fresh and light, but substantial (fruit, egg, toast, tea). A room farther away from some of the morning noise would have improved our stay but it won't keep us from returning.

  • Webb Long

    Webb Long


    Incredibly friendly; treated us like family. We were traveling with friends, 5 kids under 7, and the staff was nothing but gracious. Breakfast on the terrace overlooking the harbor was lovely, and the kids loved splashing in the pool. We didn't take advantage of the moped rental given the kids, but the ferry is a short walk away and made exploring the island easy. We will be back.

  • William Gearan

    William Gearan


  • Jan Lockhart

    Jan Lockhart


    This is an old review. I stayed at this location in September 2010. I arrived without a reservation, and the owner was able to accommodate me. The location is prime since it's within walking distance of the ferry. The breakfast was excellent and I took it on my balcony. Wonderful location,wonderful food, and gracious hosts. I will definitely stay here again.

  • Richard Merrill Haney

    Richard Merrill Haney


    “A HOME AWAY FROM HOME !!” The best bargain in Bermuda...Warm and friendly, refined, home-like setting. The owners live right in this charming old Bermuda home. They often join in the discussions at the breakfast table. The breakfasts are wonderful and folks share stories about their experiences around the island. The pool is set in a beautiful, tropical garden that features classic ornamental sculptures.

Nærmeste Ejendomsmægler:

Cranfields Property Bermuda Ltd

11A Bayfield Road, Warwick
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