Fourways Restaurant & Inn i Warwick Parish

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🕗 Åbningstider

1, Middle Road, Warwick Parish, BM Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-6517
Latitude: 32.2776937, Longitude: -64.7926059
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Kommentar 5

  • Elizabeth Soh

    Elizabeth Soh


    It was decent, but they didn't deliver breakfast one of the days, even though I left out the order the night before.

  • Stacy Jones

    Stacy Jones


    Outstanding food and service

  • Dawn Yaxley

    Dawn Yaxley


    Fabulous brunch. Always busy but really great food and service. The theme each week changes countries.

  • Clara Van Biesebroeck

    Clara Van Biesebroeck


    Fantastic dinner, all elements were there. There was live piano music playing, the service was excellent with a server that was knowledgeable about the menu. The food was delicious. I am however a bit disappointed by the limited options for people who don't want to eat meat or fish. It's 2018 now, only two vegetarian starters of which one a standard tomato mozzarella salad and not really a vegetarian main course is just not acceptable anymore. However, we enjoyed ourselves and the food that we had was nice. The building is beautiful, as is the little garden, it looked very pretty with the holiday decorations. The interior is quite old fashioned but that made the restaurant look romantic. Serving staff is willing to cater to everyone's needs. The dessert is always a soufflet, but you can choose among different flavors, we were full so we didn't have any. The wine list has some affordable wines (for Bermuda prices), and also some extravagant wines for the wealthy. The restaurant is located in a hotel, and based on my dining experience I would not mind to stay there. Would love to do Sunday brunch there too, which is heard is amazing. Hope to be back one day.

  • Hugh Allen

    Hugh Allen


    Disappointing French Cuisine Very elegant restaurant. Upscale interior with live piano music. Attracts a lot of rich locals, mostly for special occasions I suppose. Very French menu - attempting to be haute cuisine. Not sure if they have wine by the glass - wine list shows only full bottles and a few half bottles. Had a nice half bottle of Kendall Jackson Cabernet. French and mixed grain bread was good. Appetizer was escargot. They came in cream sauce which was not very appealing. Main course flank steak - perfectly seasoned and perfectly prepared, but the meat was tough, almost gristly. Dessert was a WONDERFUL chocolate souffle. Piano play produced elevator music and looked like he was in severe pain while playing. But when he took a break he did walk by and smile. Overall, pretty disappointing for the VERY HIGH PRICE I paid.

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