Fairmont Southampton i Southampton

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101 South Shore Road, Southampton SN02, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-238-8000
Hjemmeside: www.fairmont.com
Latitude: 32.2535395, Longitude: -64.8264648
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Carver

    Michael Carver


    Fantastic hotel. Great location. Their private beach and ocean club are outstanding. Wonderful service.

  • Steve Ford

    Steve Ford


    Pretty nice hotel. The location is terrific. The spa is awesome. I didn't give a 5 because there's not much patce to take a walk besides the beach, even there you have to walk down a road to get to it. The room we got is nice, but not a 5 either. There was a hair on our towel. The toilet was hard to flush. They forgot a fridge and brought it afterwards and didn't think at all when placing it, so it looks ugly compared to the rest of the room. All in all though you'll have a great time here!

  • Regina Goldkamp

    Regina Goldkamp


    I was so disappointed in this place. Our room was very outdated, we could hear the people above stomping late and night and in the morning and the smallest requests were met with attitude. I have never stayed at a place that cost so much $$ and you got so little. The view is great but the rest of the hotel experience was very dissapointing. It’s meant to cater to large conferences but not individuals. The resort food was sub par at outrageous prices. The bed was so uncomfortable as it sunk in and had no support. We hardly got any sleep. I wanted to love this place and the vacation but the faculty itself and the staff made it hard to do so.

  • George Breadmore

    George Breadmore


    Very classy hotel with excellent views of the ocean or the immaculately manicured good course. Food is exquisite and plenty of variety of refreshments. Albeit very expensive. A beer will set you back £15. But if u want to impress, the rooms are if excellent standard, the staff are brilliant, and plenty of shops downstairs. Plenty of restaurants and bars down the road and a beautiful beach the bus will take you to although its only a 10min stroll.

  • Kandice Smith

    Kandice Smith


    This Hotel is one of the best in Bermuda. They take pride in Customer service and invest in their employees to give the BEST service. You will love being at this resort, they make you feel like family. If you feel lost, want to know about a popular attraction etc you can ask anyone they are VERY friendly!! The views from the rooms (some) are Beautiful!! The Restaurants are modern and the food is Amazing and refreshing. The property has lots going on for all ages. It's really a nice resort to stay while visiting Bermuda or if you are a local just for a getaway, you will feel like your in tropical paradise.

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