Current Vehicles i Hamilton

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76 Pitts Bay Road, Annex office by road, Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-296-8949
Latitude: 32.291339, Longitude: -64.792708
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Kommentar 5

  • Noelle Richards

    Noelle Richards


    I don't recommend any particular bike rental places anymore (sorry Oleander). This is safer. And tourists on bikes are too slow, which is annoying.

  • Ryan Sousa

    Ryan Sousa


  • darren mcphee

    darren mcphee


    Move Over Hazardous Scooters and Say Hello to the Twizzy - The Fun New Eco Friendly Electric Mini Car...These Are Going to Take The Island Literally By "Tourist" Storm....Our Day was More Fun, Easier and Less Stress than Driving Doubled on a Scooter.... The Drive is Small, but Hey...How Much Room did We Really need To go to The Beach, Dockyard, or Downtown for Dinner....?It was as Big as we Really Needed it to Be!!.......... Staff were Great to Go Over Road Rules, Car Management and Tips for Doing Things on the Island!!.... The Twizzy's Efficient No-Emission Ride Helped Us See the Whole Island Again, lots of charging spots, but we really didn't need them....Coast Down a Hill and you'll add 2-3 kms more driving time, coast down 10...and you barely use the charge!!... Can't Wait to Return and Rent this again for a full Week...Well Done Current Vehicles.!!....Can You Tell it was the Highlight of Our Trip.??!!

  • Sean Masters

    Sean Masters


    Brilliant rental cars for zippy trips across the island, it's great to have something you can explore the beaches at your own pace and leave at your hotel when you head out and about for the evening. Packs storage and excellent sound system + Fits in tight spots! Absolute must do in Bermuda!

  • Kevin Dallas

    Kevin Dallas


    These zippy little electric rental cars comfortably seat two people (think of it more as a an alternative to a scooter than a real car) and can cover the island from end to end in a single charge.

Nærmeste biludlejning:

Current Vehicles

101 South Shore Road, Turtle Hill, Southampton
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