Boyle, W.J. & Son Ltd i Hamilton

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31, Queen Street, Hamilton, BM Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-1887
Latitude: 32.2938687, Longitude: -64.786535
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Kommentar 2




  • Hilary Carr

    Hilary Carr


    A disappointing experience in this shop, at 1:30pm with a handful of customers in the shop. Initially the only shop assistant was having a personal phone call in the shop, other shop assistants return and chat to each other despite customers lining up at the counter. I approached and asked if I could purchase the 7 pairs of kids shoes we had put on the sales counter. I saw other customers at the counter not given any service. My shop attendent didn't know where the other shop assistants were, when I asked if she could find someone to serve other people. I asked for the manager and was told they were in the back with their door closed. I insisted, and one of the shop assistants did go back to inform the manager and said they would be out in due course, but by the time my purchase was complete I didn't want to wait longer. There are two stars as I did get the shoes I wanted for my children, but do not think a business should be run with customers waiting for service while shop assistants are chatting in other areas of the shop, and have to approach staff to ask if we could pay for selections. Surely the staff could be more proactive. I am sorry to complain, but if no one makes a complaint the service may become even worse.

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