BluePrint Hair Studio i Hamilton

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Par-La-Ville Road, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-232-2583
Latitude: 32.2950764, Longitude: -64.7880268
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Kommentar 5

  • Oscar Jiménez

    Oscar Jiménez


    Had a great cut and welcoming experience.

  • Denise Trott

    Denise Trott


  • G Girl

    G Girl


    I am very unimpressed with my experience at Blueprint last week. I’m still shocked at the way they handled my hair in such a damaging way. First... While my hair was still soaking wet after a wash, the girl took a brush and started raking through my hair. I could literally hear my hair snapping as the brush went through. Since hair is at its most fragile state while wet I don’t know why someone would brush it so harshly leading to breakage and shedding... Next for my blow dry... I expected to be seated under the hairdryer first to allow the hair to “airdry” a bit before applying direct heat to it. Nope! The stylist took my SOAKING wet hair and immediately started blow drying and brushing again without even using a heat protectant!!! That should be a standard. The amount of smoke coming off of my hair was like a freaking chimney. Then to top it all off, she passed over my hair so many times with the straightener. The amount of heat used was so unnecessary and it was making me cringe at some points. I was nervous about it and asked her whether she should apply so much heat in the same spot and she said “oh yes! It’ll be fine.” very non-chalantly. At this point I was very annoyed and just wanted to leave. Paying such a price I would expect them to take excellent management of clients hair and be careful not to do anymore damage than is necessary. For a simple blowout, my hair smells really burnt and I swear it looks shorter than when I arrived even though I was not given a trim. In my 35 years on earth I’ve never experienced such. They need a total revamp of their practices for me to consider spending $100+ there again. If not, I won’t be going back even if they paid me.

  • Kristin Alexander

    Kristin Alexander


  • Kerri Furbert

    Kerri Furbert


    Best hair salon in Bermuda!

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