Bermuda National Library i Hamilton

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13, Queen Street, Hamilton, BM Bermudy
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-2905
Latitude: 32.2929655, Longitude: -64.7865602
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Kommentar 4

  • Michael Bradshaw

    Michael Bradshaw


    The Bermuda National Library may appear small in size when compared to the huge spaces in some other locales but it delivers beyond expectations in the 'Bermuda fashion'. First there is the Bermuda personal warmth and engagement which envelopes all users. Borrow a book; get public wifi or computer access; visit a local history museum; meet local authors; link up with researchers on any myriad of topics - - - all this and more happen at any time here. Bermuda punches well above its weight and so does the BNL. You can get a quick but comprehensive overview of Bermuda and the West Indies while being right-on-point and time with what is happening anywhere in today's world. There is the newest technology if you want or the hands-on service and helpfulness that are a bermuda hallmark. Such a combination is very difficult in those behemoths of other locales but blends nicely with the breadth that is boasted here. Visit. Enjoy.

  • Carbo Kuo

    Carbo Kuo



  • julia skinner

    julia skinner


    Free Internet and everyone comes use it 🤓

  • Evelyn Hackett

    Evelyn Hackett


    An amazing library, with a vast amount of books considering the small size of our island home.

Nærmeste Bibliotek:

Bermuda National Library Youth Services

74 Church Street, Hamilton
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