Bermuda Craft Market i Sandys Parish

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4 Freeport Rd Royal Navy Dockyard Sandys, Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-234-3208
Latitude: 32.3278903, Longitude: -64.8333401
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Kommentar 5

  • Joshua Liong

    Joshua Liong


    You can sample Bermuda Jam here! Goes great with the cheeze-its they provide. I was short on time, so the five stars reflect the friendly service as they set the sample tray for me. I was the first to request samples at 10am.

  • Joe Gonzalez

    Joe Gonzalez


    Wife bought a bunch of interesting trinkets and home decor items here. Expensive, but seems to be worth it.

  • Sherma Webbe Clarke

    Sherma Webbe Clarke


    While in Bermuda, travel to the Craft Market in Dockyard to shop for locally made treats and gems. Books by Bermudians, treasures for the home, items to spice up the kitchen, and gifts to make holidays even more special. All made with the flair of Bermudian artists who are often on hand for demonstrations. The Craft Market is easily accessible by bus or ferry. Plan to linger and take home a memory.

  • Gaijin



    Worth browsing - you will most likely find a souvenir to your liking. A varied range of local handicrafts (paintings, jewelry, home made comestibles, clothing and the like). Reasonably priced.

  • Matthew Beck

    Matthew Beck


    This place is full of handcrafted items that are for sale at a reasonable price. Great gift shop.

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