Victoria Park i Hamilton

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Hamilton, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-6446 ext. 258
Latitude: 32.2955109, Longitude: -64.7848368
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Kommentar 5

  • Nicolay Doytchev

    Nicolay Doytchev


    Pretty and calm. Don't eat there though. The birds gather like a mob and stare at your mouth. If nothing drops as you take several bites, they begin vocally and loudly demanding you drop something. It's a bit surreal. These sparrows are something else.

  • William Hart

    William Hart


    Lovely and relaxing park.

  • Roxanne Wainwrigjt

    Roxanne Wainwrigjt


    A great place for the children to run and play .I can get my walk in at the same time.

  • J T.

    J T.


    Nice park. Lots of benches to sit. Has filter water station.

  • Gaijin



    Victoria Park is behind City Hall and close to the Hamilton Bus Terminal: bordered by Cedar Avenue and Victoria, Dundonald and Washington Streets. A gated park: open daily from 0800 until dusk. Interestingly, it has the oldest provenance of all the original lots in Hamilton, having been set aside in 1790 as a public space at the time the original 145 acres of land were first auctioned off to start the new settlement. Although originally known as Dean's Bottom, it was renamed in honour of HM Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee. Ownership has remained with the Corporation of Hamilton; uninterrupted since that auction day in 1790. Worth wandering through if only to admire the lovely bandstand erected in 1889 to commemorate Her Majesty's Jubilee. (This was shipped back to the original manufacturer in Scotland in 2008 for refurbishment). In 1897, to commemorate Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, the Town of Hamilton became a City. This park, the City's first public park, was in these early years a fashionable meeting place where audiences could enjoy the music of military bands stationed on the Island.

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