Spa Oasis i Hamilton

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14 Laffan Street, Hamilton, Hamilton HM09, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-297-2347
Latitude: 32.29754, Longitude: -64.785712
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Kommentar 5

  • Cushi Ming

    Cushi Ming


    Best massage if my life. Beautiful location. Will be back.

  • D Stern

    D Stern


    I had a massage here and loved it. The atmosphere is comfortable and zenlike. Renuka gave me one of the best Swedish massages I have had - super relaxing but still cleared out the knots. It's like she has four hands! If you are looking for a more local spa with great service and value, I definitely recommend.

  • Nyland Adams

    Nyland Adams


    I had my first massage at Spa Oasis in October based on referrals. It was awesome. I've never had anyone climb on my back before and work out all of my kinks. Truly a must have. I am a Therapist myself so this was great.

  • Alicia Hill

    Alicia Hill


    I came here from my birthday and I was IMPRESSED. It's fully equipped, the staff are professional, and the services I received were DIVINE!! Highly recommended. I will definitely came back.

  • Winston Rogers

    Winston Rogers


    The atmosphere is relaxing , service exceptional and therapy second to none. I have never been disappointed with a session. Therapist Yilma is extraordinary

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