Sail Bermuda i Paget Parish

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Harbour Road, Paget Parish, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-737-2993
Latitude: 32.291875, Longitude: -64.774361
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Kommentar 5

  • Emily Marvin

    Emily Marvin


    Dale and Alexa were amazing!! We rented the catamaran on June 27 with family. Dale took us to the best spots in Bermuda for cliff diving, snorkeling, and even to see amazing houses. We all had an awesome time and made great memories. Thank you, Dale and Alexa!!! Who had to deflate the pink flamingo?!!

  • Heather Kromer

    Heather Kromer


    We like to have a get-together for our hard working staff every summer. They love being out on the water for a few hours cruising, chatting, swimming and eating. This year, we decided to try Wyuna and we had an awesome evening on board. Everything went smoothly from beginning to end and we are already looking forward to next summer's cruise! It was a pleasure working with Marilyn and her crew and we love, love, love their beautiful boat.

  • Noah Fields

    Noah Fields


    Caleb and crew did a wonderful job hosting a corporate event on Wyuna for an outing to view the America's Cup Semi Finals. Marilyn was amazingly helpful getting the trip organized in advance as there were a lot of uncertainties around the schedule (weather & AC match score) that required contingency plans. We had over 25 people on board and fit very comfortably. Before the trip I was worried that guests might feel "cramped" but it was not an issue - even after 5 hours of watching the AC match races! Attendees did not want to leave! Caleb (Captain) and Alexa (Crew) provided top notch service and made everyone feel very welcome. We hope to do a trip on Wyuna with swimming, snorkeling and noodling next year. Thank you for a great afternoon!

  • Bryant Richards Jr.

    Bryant Richards Jr.


    Great boats for amazing tours around Bermuda. There is lots of space on the catamaran with paddleboards in case you want to go for a swim. A great way to see the island from the water in comfort!

  • Nicole Minnich

    Nicole Minnich


    What an incredible experience, Caleb is a great guy, captain and so professional while still making you feel comfortable. We were so impressed and loved the sail on wyuna so much that we chartered it three times in one weeks time. Josh was also incredible! Highly recommend and cannot wait to come back to Bermuda and use them again.

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