Royal Palms Hotel i Pembroke

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24 Rosemont Avenue, Pembroke HM 06, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-292-1854
Latitude: 32.2951014, Longitude: -64.7930771
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Kommentar 5

  • Murray Klein

    Murray Klein


    This is a nice property but it needs some work. The complimentary breakfast is very basic. I asked if they could add something since I do not eat breakfast meats and they said "no." Today their internet is out. It seems they only air condition the rooms, while the common areas are a bit warm and humid. It's a very nice location easy walking distance to the center of the town.

  • Thomas Ringwold

    Thomas Ringwold


    This hotel is only a 10 min walk from front Street. Great service department that is very caring to their guests needs.. breakfast in the morning is perfect with coffee and tea available all day. Don't forget about the free wine between 530 and 630.. The hotel is also apart of Ascots which has a great variety of food.. I would definitely come back to this hotel and would recommend it to everyone.

  • Richard George

    Richard George


    Fantastic hotel. Staff very friendly and attentive.

  • David Meier

    David Meier


    A quaint & charming little colonial property within walking distance of probably 20 restaurants or more including the highly rated Ascots which is part of the hotel. Also within walking distance is the bus and ferry terminals, downtown waterfront, railway trail, grocery market and shopping. The rooms are nice and it's had coffee maker, microwave and refrigerator. The staff is outstanding and within a day we felt more like we lived there rather than visitors. The morning breakfast is very good with fruits, muffins and coffee & tea and is a prefect to start the day as well as a good chance to ask the staff for tips on your planned itinerary. Katrina and Sonja were particular helpful with planning and Sonja made us feel so much at home. Very sad to have had to head home.

  • Victoria King

    Victoria King


    Great location in Hamilton! I highly recommend this hotel, but it's certainly not a resort. The pool is small and the rooms are basic, but what they lack in extras they more than make up for in customer service. Very helpful staff!

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