Paget Marsh i Paget Parish

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Valley Road, Paget Parish, BM Bermudy
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-6483
Latitude: 32.2849895, Longitude: -64.7766262
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Kommentar 5

  • Demetria Packwood

    Demetria Packwood


    The reserve is a nice place to take a walk. There's posters up at the entrance that explains the formation of the marsh before anyone lived on the island. When I went to the marsh in December of 2017. The broadwalk needed to be repaired or else you could fall into the murky water. The place needed a touch up. The trees were overgrown and it makes it difficult to walk through. I don't require walking on the broadwalk if you are in a wheelchair.

  • Vyntah Caesar

    Vyntah Caesar


    Peaceful place

  • Dan Francis

    Dan Francis


    Nice peek at original Bermuda but terribly maintained.

  • Dave Johnson

    Dave Johnson


    Nice nature walk over mangroves.

  • Rick Hawke

    Rick Hawke


    A visit to this Nature Reserve will give you a glimpse of how Bermuda looked when the first settlers arrived in the 1600's. A wooden walkway has been erected to make exploring the reserve easy for all ages, while keeping environmental impact to a minimum. Centrally located just off lovers lane by Rural Hill IN Paget, there is easy parking and no admission fees. Well worth a visit for nature lovers.

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