Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort and Spa i Mount Pleasant

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27 Harbour Road, Mt Pleasant PG 02, Bermudas
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-6060
Latitude: 32.283748, Longitude: -64.786414
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Kommentar 5

  • Justin Mathew

    Justin Mathew


    The hotel sits on the Hamilton Harbour with most rooms having spectacular views of the harbor. There is a pool and jacuzzi The hotel hosts several restaurants which all serve unique food. The hotel has a small gym with old equipment and a Spa. The staff are friendly and always willing to help. There is a ferry for hotel guests that leaves just bellow the hotel to take you across the harbor as well as a shuttle service going to various beaches. Everything runs seemingly.

  • Figueroa Sharina

    Figueroa Sharina


    3 star hotel, very friendly staff . The rooms are large. They miss the details in cleaning. Our rooms freezer didn't keep ice cream became soupy quickly fridge is a good size kitchenette living room with a pull out bed balcony with a view. Unfortunately, I could ask for more given the price. The cable box in room didn't work it gave signal but choppy picture... the bedroom door doesn't actually lock it can still be open.The list goes on that said This a good hotel but Hardly 4.5 stars it's 2.5 or 3 at best

  • Suzanne Butler

    Suzanne Butler


    Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa, rated 3-1/2 stars, is home to a well-rated and pleasantly testing Bermudian golf course. This relatively uncomplicated tree-lined and open parkland layout should not disappoint, with many attractive features. Panoramic views of bustling Hamilton Harbour and the Great Sound culminate at the par-3 17th and par-4 18th, providing a wonderfully scenic end to your round.

  • June Wang

    June Wang


    Facility was good with a very nice view of the bay. Room was modern, clean and spacious. Staff was generally helpful and friendly; however this does not apply to the front desk who weren't helpful at all. If you're here to golf, please be careful as the hotel changed their rule from one round per night included for each guest to one round per stay for each guest. Their website is vague about this rule and they left you to deal with the travel agent that you booked the vacation with. We ended up having to make international phone calls to our agent in our first day of vacation to sort it out.

  • Tahnee Douglas

    Tahnee Douglas


    My experience at Newstead was the best of any hotel I've ever been to. The front office staff are so professional and friendly. Always willing to help and very knowledgeable. They have the best view of the Hamilton skyline and its most gorgeous at night. The resort provides shuttle to 3 amazing near by restaurants and to CoCo reefs private beach, where complimentary lounges and umbrellas are available. If you're a golfer a complimentary round of golf at Belmont Hills is available! The Three Graces Spa on property is beautifully laid out and the staff definitely know how to help you relax. Such a great place you should definitely choose Newstead for your Bermuda getaway!

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