Nest Maternity & Baby i Hamilton

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

44, Reid Street, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-296-6378
Latitude: 32.2930906, Longitude: -64.7832706
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Kommentar 5

  • Jessica Hellard

    Jessica Hellard


    Fantastic place! They have all the best things for babies just like my favourite stores in Canada and are very friendly. They were very helpful as we forgot a sun hat for our baby and couldn’t find one anywhere since it’s off season but they had some in storage that they brought out for us. Love the brands they carry ❤️

  • Stuart Roberts

    Stuart Roberts


  • Wong Lily

    Wong Lily


    I genuinely think the shop owner is quite mean at offering custom discount and I don't like the shopping experience and their custom service. I would not visit the shop for the second time although Bermuda is lack of option for baby shopping.

  • Brandon Beaudoin

    Brandon Beaudoin


    They are the best here! The owner was so knowledgeable and friendly. Best baby store we've been to anywhere, not just Bermuda

  • Ashley Hess

    Ashley Hess


    Good service I'll go 😠 😾

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