Little Pomander Guest House i Camden

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Pomander Road, Camden, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-236-7635
Latitude: 32.2924532, Longitude: -64.7730333
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Kommentar 2

  • Jean Caze

    Jean Caze


    Terrible air quality in the room I stayed in. Everyone in my room woke up with throat issues. I told the owner about the likelihood that there was a mold issue and she denied that it could even be possible. She was obviously offended and told me that I had allergies and that I could leave if I wanted. Class act! Later on I discovered mold in the bathroom but she and her staff were gone for the day so I couldn’t show her in person. I attached the photos of the visible mold. I believe there was mold that was not visible as well. The staff was also very pushy to clean our rooms so she could leave for the day. Even though we told her we were still asleep, she would come back within the hour and say “You still not up?” In a condescending tone. Besides that, the place was decent. No convenient stores nearby. Nice view of the bay from the back yard.

  • Roger Rodrz.

    Roger Rodrz.


    Loved staying there. At the time I stayed there it came with the Intercontinental breakfast a different rooms depending on what you want all the rooms share one kitchen comes with free Wi-Fi had an amazing view on the backside where you can see all the boats great place to eat.

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