L.F. Wade International Airport i St. George's GE CX

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3, Cahow Way Street, St. George's GE CX, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-293-2470
Hjemmeside: www.bermudaairport.com
Latitude: 32.359829, Longitude: -64.7020333
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Kommentar 5

  • 前島宣秀



    ローカル空港レベル。空港へ渡る橋は珊瑚礁でとても綺麗。 イミグレ入ってから、お土産物や食事も出来ます。

  • Ricky Potts

    Ricky Potts


    This is a small island, and this is a small airport. Easy in and easy out. The staff is nice, as are most people in Bermuda. The airport gets busy, but there aren’t many terminals here. The airport is on the far end of the island and unless you are a local, you can’t rent a car. You can get a Twizy, though! Only airport on the island, so no choice if you want to visit.

  • Corbin Jones

    Corbin Jones


    The employees are nice. They’re building a brand new airport, which should hopefully meet USA standards.

  • Thomas Goguen

    Thomas Goguen


    Great little island airport. If your stressing about food within 10 min of arrival or a mellow attitude is pissing you off - your missing the whole point of "island getaway". No worries brother...flights to Manhattan are hourly: i will take Bermuda for me and my family!

  • J_ _O

    J_ _O


    Great island and a great little airport. Fast to get through and generally everyone very helpful.

Nærmeste Lufthavn:

Cedar Aviation Services Ltd.

66 Southside Road Building 1079, St. David's Island
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