Dive Bermuda - Grotto Bay i Hamilton Parish

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Dive Bermuda, 11 Blue Hole Hill, Hamilton Parish CR02, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-293-7319
Hjemmeside: www.bermudascubagrottobay.com
Latitude: 32.3538141, Longitude: -64.7120196
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Kommentar 5

  • Karen Gore

    Karen Gore


    Great first dive experience with Dive Bermuda. We came to Bermuda to experience a shipwreck dive and were not disappointed! Book early as weather delays are possible due to wind and storms. Robyn and Mitch were outstanding instructors - incredibly patient, kind and knowledgeable. First class experience.

  • Peter Lumenello

    Peter Lumenello


    Very helpful and accommodating to a couple of amateurs

  • Matthew Pale

    Matthew Pale


    Awesome helpful staff. Easy to work with a schedule dives.

  • Mike Smith

    Mike Smith


    We had a great experience diving 3 days with my 2 boys 17 & 19. We did the AM 2 tank dives - 1 wreck & 1 reef. We showed up with just our masks & they took care of everything else. Equipment was new and top of the line. Hats off to Lenora(sp) & Brandon, and Capt. Jake! Don't miss the Cathedral and North Rock reefs, along with the Cristobal Colon, Pelinaion, and Rita Zovetta.

  • A K

    A K


    Wonderful professional company that is also fun and friendly. Did my open water cert here with Marcus and he was a gem. Even held my hand underwater the first time. I can't wait to see these gents again. Great dive site too lots of wrecks. Beautiful location and away from cruise ship tourists! Highly recommended.

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