Dangelini's Cafe & Bakery i Hamilton

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8, Front Street, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-5272
Hjemmeside: www.dangeliniscafe.com
Latitude: 32.2915986, Longitude: -64.7864425
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Kommentar 5

  • Alicia Daniel

    Alicia Daniel


    It’s pretty nice. Very convenient to ferry terminal, obviously. Drinks aren’t fantastic, but it does have lots of comfy seating. And it’s air-conditioned! No wifi, though, and the bathrooms are outside and down the street.

  • David Mueller

    David Mueller


    This is a go-to for fresh coffee, americano, or espresso. Tasty pastries and eats, too.




    We ordered 3 coffees, one blueberry muffin, two almond croissants, one brownie, and my aunt bought me a hot chocolate in a separate order. We came around 9:30am on Friday, December 22nd. Two girls are working right now, one wearing a black top and one wearing a white top. The service was horrible towards us and I'm pretty sure it's because we are Asian. They're only nice to white and well-off people. When we were ordering, they kept rushing us by repeatedly telling us the price, as if they wanted us to immediately pay and didn't want us to order any more. Also, they asked others what kind of milk they wanted with their coffee but they didn't ask us. Lastly, when my aunt bought the hot chocolate, they just dropped the cup onto the table with contempt. The blueberry muffin was good but the brownie was too sweet.

  • Gaijin



    Popular with locals and tourists alike. Situated immediately adjacent to the ferry steps and the tourist office. Offers cakes, sandwiches, pies and such like. Can be very busy first thing in the morning as workers grab a coffee and breakfast on the way to the office. Seating can be limited at peak times, such as lunch - but grab your takeaway and head around the corner to the beautiful Point Pleasant Park, only 50 m away.

  • Cristina Tosta

    Cristina Tosta


    It the closest coffee shop to the Ferry. There are some indoor seating area. Coffee is good (not exceptional) and they also sell some sweeties like banana bread, muffins and cookies. The also have good subs. It is very busy in the mornings. Service is sometimes efficient and friendly.

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