Coral Dental i Hamilton

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27 Queen street, Bermudiana Arcade, Suit 401, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-8040
Latitude: 32.293669, Longitude: -64.786307
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Kommentar 5

  • jason smith

    jason smith


    I’ve been terrifyied of dentist my whole life and avoided gong to them unles it was really bad like last minute. I was referred to coral dental by a friend, they have changed how I look at a dentist now. The staff is awesome and the dentist do everything in their power to make you as comfortable as possible. I’ve now schedule to have all my dental work done over the next few months and I’m excited to go. It took me over 15 years but finding coral dental was the best thing ever.

  • Sharmaine Thomas

    Sharmaine Thomas


    Best dental services ever!!!! They make you feel sooooo comfortable not to mention the fact that they are super gentle with you and oh I almost forgot, they also let you know what's happening while they're doing it😁😁. Love you guys! Thank you for taking super good care of me

  • Nikki Howgate

    Nikki Howgate


    I have always been scared to go to the dentist. That was all in the past after finding Coral Dental. I highly recommend Coral Dental to anyone and everyone. Best dental experience, great experience every time I visit. The staff there welcomes you with a smile and is always willing to answer any questions you may have. Dr Rabain and her assistance/Hygienist are very knowledgeable, gentle, efficient and always make you feel so safe. I love Coral Dental! Really a great experience. Almost forgot to mention that I even have my kids going too:) and they love it!!!

  • Patrice Phillips

    Patrice Phillips


    ALWAYS a pleasant experience. Dr. Rabain is extremely professional and caring. The ladies on reception are always friendly. Short wait times.

  • Ernest Caisey

    Ernest Caisey


    Great Service from the Receptionist, Dentist & her Assistant, very helpful, good communication before, during and after the procedure was done. Sometimes when one visits a dental or doctor's office the biggest turn off tends to be the receptionist, but I was very happy with the receptionists that I dealt with, they give a warm reception upon entering and leaving, which helps to put one more at ease before spending time with the dentist and assistant. Thanks Coral Dental for a Great Experience.

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