Clear View Suites & Cottages Hamilton i Hamilton

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Railway Trail, CR02, Hamilton, BM Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-293-0484
Latitude: 32.3447902, Longitude: -64.733634
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Kommentar 5

  • Kandice Smith

    Kandice Smith


    This is a closed place thankfully!! I did stay once and where I stayed it was nice but still felt run down the reception wasn't friendly and was going to give us a old room I'm happy they are seeking the property needs to b modernized

  • Siara Smith

    Siara Smith


    This Place was DISGUSTING! They should be ashamed of themselves for even renting this place out. I stayed at the Palmetto Villa and needless to say, I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER BE BACK! There were roaches; holes in the ground, mold/mildew on the shower curtain; I was APPALLED! I didn't even stay the whole 2 days I paid for; I left in the middle of the night going into my second night because I was absolutely disgusted! The only positive review I have is that they left a full can of Bug spray for me. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!

  • Domain Rabain

    Domain Rabain


    I love it pool too

  • dontthinkso Ryan

    dontthinkso Ryan


    Best view. Great, private, safe, clean place

  • David



    This place is a hidden gem. Its not the hilton but worth the money just for the views. If you can request the "rose" cottage since all rooms have names. Stunning blue blue blue water in your face. My wife and I give it 2 thumbs up!

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